Our Apps & Sites

Any solution implies that at a certain point somebody shifted their focus from the problem and started to look in a different place. They started to use their vision to imagine a scenario where the problem didn’t exist, a world where the focus was on something else.

Using analytical, reflexive thinking to ask the right questions, we develop our apps and sites to help you make a shift to this new world. Using our resources and the power of exploration, we come up with ways to help you grow! Each step brings you closer to the new vision!

Our Apps & Sites

Licensed With Style

This web app helps users develop their bachelors project or paper.  It focuses on the process of development, on the different stages one goes through in the journey of creating a medium-term project. To make the process more interactive, we use gamification elements and psychological tricks to help you succeed more efficiently. We personalize the process as much as possible in order to help you develop the tools you need on this journey.

More apps in development.

Will be available soon.